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What is the Mass Timber Greece Network?

The CLT Greece network was established to promot e innovative and sustainable building solutions using Cross Laminated Timber (CLT). For comparison, a structure made of reinforced concrete requires 30.6 kWh/m³ of energy, whereas the same building made with CLT only uses 4.5 kWh/m³. This results in an 85% reduction in the energy footprint, achieved simply by switching the material of the load - bearing structure and infill elements — without compromising the building ’ s aesthetics or functionality. Additionally, construction times are three to four times faster .

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Theodoros Sotirios Tountas

Architect, Energy Consultant

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Can a timber building be adapted to the modern Greek landscape?

The construction system utilizing Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) serves as a replacement for reinforced concrete and bricks. Once the structure is complete, both the interior and exterior are finished using the same materials and coatings commonly used today, such as thermal insulation, mortars, and paints. As a result, there is no noticeable cha nge in the visual appearance or aesthetic harmony with the surrounding landscape. However, the true advancement lies in the quality and sustainability of modern construction, offering enhanced living conditions, improved environmental impact, and a substan tial reduction in CO2 emissions.

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Who is the Mass Timber Greece network aimed at?

The audience is quite broad, as CLT construction can b e used for homes, offices, public buildings, schools, hospitals, and even commercial or industrial spaces. In short, it is for everyone! The network targets all sectors of the construction industry, both on a B2B level — offering support to engineering firms , architects, or construction companies — and on a B2C level, directly assisting private individuals and investors who choose sustainable construction solutions. Every project completed through our network is certified by international bodies such as the U.S . LEED, particularly for public - use buildings, the German Passive House Institute, and the Italian CasaClima agency. By including certification costs in the projects we specify, we add value to the property, increase the reliability of our services, and, o f course, offer the best value for money for our clients or partners.

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Θοδωρής Τούντας

Αρχιτέκτονας, Ενεργειακός σύμβουλος

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Why should a construction company choose Mass Timber?

One of the biggest challenges in the Greek construction industry today is the shortage of skilled labor. With CLT, with just a team of three specialized technicians and a crane, a construction company can complete a six - story apartment building in six weeks — delivering both the load - bearing structure and infill elements from the basement up. The benefits in terms of time and efficiency are enormous! Another major issue that CLT construction addresses is the difficulty of achieving high - quality reinforced concrete work in remote areas, whether on the mainland or on the islands. When concrete production plants are far from the construction site, combined with the challenges of high temperatures, the quality of the result can often be compromised, and the costs skyrocket.

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Why should a homeowner choose Mass Timber?

The primary and most significant benefit for a homeowner is the improved quality of living, with better indoor comfort and, most importantly, substantial energy savings compared to conventional construction. Contrary to the initial perception of a timber s tructure, all of this is achieved without any compromise in aesthetics or architectural design. The second benefit is the superior quality and cost - effectiveness of a CLT structure. Built in a controlled environment with stable temperatures, there is no m aterial waste and virtually zero risk of error. This approach makes it much easier to finalize a budget agreement and significantly reduces the likelihood of cost overruns. Finally, the third — and perhaps greatest — advantage is that CLT is the ideal and mos t flexible option for remote areas of the country, as project completion times can be as short as four months.

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Θοδωρής Τούντας

Αρχιτέκτονας, Ενεργειακός σύμβουλος

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Why should an investor choose Mass Timber?

A serious investor starts with a solid business plan, and when comparing CLT construction with conventional methods, the benefits become immediately clear. Time savings can reach up to 75%, allowing the Break - Even Point to be achieved much faster. Additionally, given that a serious investment typically seeks certification from an internationally recognized body (usually LEED) to secure greater financing, using CLT significantly boosts the bui lding ’ s energy and environmental performance, easily achieving high scores. The other benefits are the same as those enjoyed by construction companies and private homeowners — such as efficiency, sustainability, and quality.

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Who makes up the network, and who can participate?

The CLT Greece network is an initiative by FUV , aimed at bringing together moreorganizations, companies, industry professionals, and individuals around sustainable constructionusing Cross Laminated Timber (CLT). In a construction landscape where outdated craftsmanship stilldominates and there is a lack of formal technical schools with state-issued certifications for mostbuilding trades, modern and innovative techniques that are developing worldwide are not advancingat the same pace in Greece. This results in the degradation of the building stock, as projects are stilloften carried out with outdated practices from the last century.The network includes globally recognized professionals and technical companies, not necessarilyspecialized in wooden construction, but in delivering high-quality results associated with it.Examples include the Danish company Nilan , which offers quality mechanicalequipment for low-energy buildings; the German company Blowedoor GmbH, which manufactures and supplies airtightness testing equipment; and theItalian company EXRG , with particular expertise in mechanical equipment design forMediterranean climates.Additionally, companiesspecializing in CLT building design, such as Nextwood and Ergodomus , are part of the network, along with ARTUSO LEGNAMI, which is involved in CLT timber production.The network is open to anyone who wishes to join this long-term relay race. Feel free to contact usfor more information.

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Θοδωρής Τούντας

Αρχιτέκτονας, Ενεργειακός σύμβουλος

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What are the prospects for the Mass Timber Greece network?

We view the promotion of timber construction with CLT as a "Marathon Rel ay," where we pass the baton that we received from the visionaries before us. We understand how unlikely the idea of building a multi - story structure out of timber may sound, especially when concrete is the dominant material today. But this is exactly how concrete was perceived 100 years ago when everyone was still building with stone. In the next 100 years, everyone will be building with timber . What we are experiencing now is a journey, an adaptation to a new construction and societal reality driven prima rily by necessity. We are witnessing a technological revolution, not merely an evolution. By the time this revolution is complete, society as a whole will benefit from it, though, as is often the case, we may not even know who initiated it. Timber construc tion is here to stay and will eventually dominate, becoming accepted as part of the building tradition over the next century.

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What we offer

Our Services

Our services cater to both individuals and professionals. For professionals, we can support architectural firms, engineering companies, and construction firms looking to leverage the benefits of the CLT (Cross - Laminated Timber) construction system and implement it in their projects. We provide assistance to architects on optimal design techniques, to civil engineers for the necessary studies using the Eurocode, to mechanical engineers regarding the opportunities for designing mec hanical installations, and above all, to construction companies that wish to implement this system and train their staff accordingly. For individuals looking to construct their building using CLT technology, we can support the project from the initial stud y and design phase all the way to completion, regardless of the project's location in the country.

  • Experienced Construction Professional
  • Committted to Helping Our Clients
  • Building Maintenance & Renovation
  • Innovative Eco Power Technologies




The key points

Why Choose Us

We bring applied experience from the past ten years, working on projects completed in Italy, a country with a similar climate, construction tec hniques, and cultural practices to those of Greece . Additionally, the short distance significantly facilitates the transport of materials and staff who can construct or supervise any type of project.

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Ηπείρου 39 111 46, Γαλάτσι

Τηλέφωνο : +30 210 2928391

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